Reading List: Christian Rudder's "Dataclysm"


“It’s a delicate illusion, the Internet; imagine a carrot sliced so cleanly that the pieces stay there in place on the cutting board, still in the shape of a carrot. And while this tension—between the continuity of the human condition and the fracture of the database—can make running a website complicated, it’s also what makes my story go.”  Excerpt From: Christian Rudder. “Dataclysm.” iBooks.

As technology continues to become an even more seamless extension of the self, it’s important to zoom out and understand the elements that create the illusion Rudder explains. While the technology and data themselves seem inhuman, the patterns and conclusions about social behavior found in the data have relevance beyond the web. Communicating through any media format benefits from a better understanding of human behavior.

Projects: Analog Data


Dear Data is a year-long, analog data drawing project by Giorgia Lupi and Stefanie Posavec


Their project:

"Every week we choose a topic we want to explore about our days and lives, and on Monday start our separate-but-parallel data collection.

The data-collecting ends the evening of the following Sunday, and through the course of the following week we analyze our data and draw our postcard, all the while collecting the next dataset.

On Monday we scan and drop our data postcard into the mailbox/postbox and start to plan the next week’s drawing!"

Atmospheric Time





"Just as air is the atmosphere of the body,

so time is the atmosphere of the mind;

if the time in which we live consists of uneven months and days regulated by mechanized minutes and hours,

that is what becomes of our mind: a mechanized irregularity.

Since everything follows from mind, it is no wonder that

The atmosphere in which we live daily becomes more pollute,

And the greatest complaint is: 'I just don't have enough time!'

Who owns your time, owns your mind.

Own your own time and you will know your own mind."

Jose and Lloydine Arguelles