Absolute Garbage is a creative research project and ongoing meditation.

visualized through garbage-based SCULPTURAL work, ABSOLUTE garbage CONSIDERS THE ethics of creating and consuming in a world in [climate] Crisis.


collecting and disposing.

amassing and decomposing.



Meduim: Single use glass vessels, plastic produce netting

Status: Collection and assembly



Medium: single-use styrofoam and paper packaging, reused wire, selvaged acrylic paint, natural fiber rope, found natural material

Status: experimental exposure to natural elements, awaiting spring planting

If it can’t be reduced, reused, repaired, rebuilt, refurbished, refinished, resold, recycled or composted, then it should be restricted, redesigned or removed from production.
— Pete Seeger

World’s Largest Ball of Plarn

Medium: Plastic bags and packaging

Status: Ongoing growth



Medium: Plastic bag and packaging, found objects, leather scrap, metal findings, single-use glass vessels

Status: Design development, product testing


From philosopher E.M CIORAN:

“I find in myself as much evil as in anyone, but detesting action—mother of all the vices—I am the cause of no one’s suffering. Harmless, without greed, and without enough energy or indecency to affront others, I leave the world as I found it. To take revenge presupposes a constant vigilance and a systematic mind, a costly continuity, whereas the indifference of forgiveness and contempt renders the hours pleasantly empty. All ethics represent a danger for goodness; only negligence rescues it. Having chosen the phlegm of the imbecile and the apathy of the angel, I have excluded myself from actions and, since goodness is incompatible with life, I have decomposed myself in order to be good.”